Here are the most common questions that we get asked of SubscriptionBoss. If your question isn't listed here, or if you want to speak with either Liz or Russell, please visit the contact page and request a Skype call to get your questions answered.

Does SubscriptionBoss Handle Unlimited Billing Cycles?

Question:I am curious if there is a limit to the number of times a charge can recur? We have PayPal subscriptions setup through a different shopping cart, and PayPal will not accept the recurring charge if it is set to unlimited billings, it has to have a limit of 49 billings?

Answer: SubscriptionBoss works happily with PayPal and unlimited billings. The PayPal Express checkout API has no restriction on the number of billings.

PayPal Express Checkout API defines the following rules for TOTALBILLINGCYCLES

For the regular payment period, if no value is specified or the value is 0, the regular payment period continues until the profile is canceled or deactivated.

For the regular payment period, if the value is greater than 0, the regular payment period will expire after the trial period is finished and continue at the billing frequency for TotalBillingCycles cycles.

Do 1 Click Upsells Work With SubscriptionBoss?

Question 1 : When someone buys a subscription product using the Infusionsoft/SubscriptionBoss combination, can she be routed back to a 1-click upsell funnel after the initial purchase?

Answer 1 : The short answer is No. PayPal does not support 1 click upsells. PayPal forces you to log in again and verify each transaction. The routing is not the issue here. You can set the URL of the thank you page for a particular product or subscription to be an upsell page. However on clicking the Buy button on the the upsell page it is not a single click to purchase. Instead it involves the following:

  • Buyer logs into PayPal Button
  • Buyer review orders on PayPal and clicks Pay Now button to complete the purchase

You can of course chain the thank you page on the upsell page to another upsell page. And this will involve a further login to PayPal to complete the sale. And so on.

Question 2 : Suppose someone buys a normal product with an upfront price and no recurring fees using paypal. I know Infusionsoft allows this, even without SubscriptionBoss. But then what if we’ve set up an upsell funnel offering products that have recurring fees? Once she buys the main product using paypal, will that prevent the 1-click upsell funnel from appearing? Or can your plugin rescue this situation?

Answer 2 : If the order form for the first product uses SubscriptionBoss then you can send the buyer to a thank you page with the upsell offer with recurring fees. With SubscriptionBoss the buyer can have a choice of Credit Card or PayPal payment method. Again, on the upsell page the buyer will need to log into PayPal a second time to make payment.

You can probably do this using the Infusionsoft/PayPal integration on the first form but I had not tested it.

Does SubscriptionBoss Work If You Have An Affiliate Program?

Question: I am assuming Subscriptionboss works if you have an affiliate or referral program set up, correct?

Answer: Yes.

No additional set up is required. Just use the default settings.

The SB script will look for an affiliate cookie and associate it with the order. You can also pass the affiliate code on the URL or in hidden form fields if you are integrating using methods other than Infusionsoft hosted forms.

Does SubscriptionBoss Support Promo Codes?

Question: Does SubscriptionBoss work if you use promo codes? If you use coupon codes how do you know what price to enter when setting up payments in Subscriptionboss?

Answer: No.
Promo codes are NOT supported at this time. I may address this in the future if there is sufficient demand.

In the interim the workaround for promo codes could be one of the following:

  1. Use a product bundle link that has promo discount on the URL
  2. set up 2 products in SB at the 2 different price points, add some custom javascript to the form which chooses which subscription to use based on whether the promo code is present

How Do You Set Up PayPal Payment Options?

Question: In infusionsoft under payment options do I check or uncheck the box to hide paypal when someone orders a subscription? Do I keep it in test mode or check the box to use paypal express check out?

Answer: You need to uncheck the box to hide PayPal for subscriptions.

The PayPal settings on Infusionsoft are not used when the form is sent to SubscriptionBoss so it does not matter whether or not you set the PayPal API keys.

I would not use Test Mode once you are not just testing and you are running real orders. The reason for this is you that might want to take PayPal for single payment products using Infusionsoft’s PayPal integration and you would want these to be real transactions.

Does SubscriptionBoss Add A PayPal Payment Method To Infusionsoft Forms?

Question: Does SubscriptionBoss add a PayPal payment option on the infusionsoft order forms?


SB works with legacy order forms, new order forms and the shopping cart.

When the buyer chooses PayPal and places the order, the order form is sent to SB for processing, the buyer pays on PayPal, SB creates a contact, an order, and if required creates an invoice and takes the first payment, then runs an action set and finally sends the buyer to the thank you page.

Typically the action set and the thank you page are the same ones that would have been run if the buyer had used credit card so no additional set up is required on Infusionsoft other than pasting the JavaScript into the footer of the form so SB handles the PayPal payment option.

Do You Need An SSL Certificate On The WordPress Site?

Question: Do you need an SSL certificate on the WordPress site?

Answer: Typically SSL is required.

SSL is required if the order form needs to be sent from Infusionsoft which is running on HTTPS to SubscriptionBoss on WordPress and you want to avoid browser warnings. Therefore you need an SSL certificate if you choose to integrate via Infusionsoft new or legacy order forms or the shopping cart.

If you were only offering PayPal as the payment mechanism placing the order form on WordPress then you would NOT need SSL.

How Much Does SubscriptionBoss Setup Cost?

Question: How much will it cost me for you to set up the plugin?

Answer: It depends.

Infusionsoft/SubscriptonBoss Consultancy Rates

We charge $180 per hour for set-up.

SubscriptionBoss and Infusionsoft Setup

The time spent for the installation will be determined by:

  • whether or not your host has IonCube Loader installed already (most do, or will install it for you free of charge)
  • the number of products/subscriptions to set up
  • how much has been set up in Infusionsoft already (e.g. products, order forms, campaign sequences, follow up sequences, thank you pages, email templates for welcome messages, late payments, cancellations, etc)
  • how you want to integrate with SubscriptionBoss: on Infusionsoft hosted order forms or on WordPress hosted order forms
  • whether or not you have custom fields on the forms
  • whether or not you charge tax
  • whether or not you charge for shipping
  • whether or not you want us to set up action sets, emails and tags for handling PayPal payment failures, cancellation and refunds
  • whether or not you want us to set up Custom Pages on PayPal
  • whether or not you want us to create a training video for your VA on how to set up a subscription
  • how much testing you want us to do
  • whether or not you want testing to take place in the PayPal Sandbox

1-2 hours is pretty typical although it can extend to 4-5 hours for the few people who want all of the above for multiple subscription products.

Typical Budget For SubscriptionBoss Setup

Normally a new user will spend 15-30 minutes over Skype communicating their requirements. This is free. The setup itself will normally take between 45 and 120 minutes depending on whether or not payment failure handling is included. As I said above, in some cases the time taken will extend to several hours but only in the more complex cases.

New Infusionsoft users should budget a minimum of $360 as more time is spent in conversation and explanation and in setting up Infusionsoft.

Prefer To Install SubscriptionBoss Yourself?

Most intermediate and advanced Infusionsoft users will be able to complete the installation and set-up within the hour if they already have a sales funnel in place and are prepared to read the SubscriptonBoss documentation. Many such users have done so. However if you are brand new to InfusionSoft it makes sense to use our consultancy service to get SubscriptionBoss set-up as we will typically also help you with get started with your Infusionsoft campaign.

Handling More Than One Site

Question: Currently I have 1 sales site, but I plan on having more. In the future can I switch the plug-in to another site?

Answer: Yes, switching is easy, just ask if you need to move the plugin license for a different site.

If you want to service the same PayPal account/Infusionsoft installation from multiple sites consider installing it on a subdomain such as payments.yoursite.com

When Is The Order Created When You Have A Free Trial Period?

Question: If you have a subscription that starts with a billing delay, is an order only created in IS when the first payment is taken?


The PayPal Recurring Payment Profile and the Infusionsoft subscription order are created at the time of order.
After the billing delay, two events take place independently; IS creates the first invoice and PayPal takes the first payment.

If the Invoice happens first then SB will match the PayPal payment to the invoice.

If the payment happens first then SB will just park the payment and try and match it later.